“Have fun and don’t be so hard on yourself. If you’re worried you’re not a good mom then you are probably a great one! ”
Molly Keras, Age 3, oil
My collector Lauren is the mom of three little girls, twins Jane and Nellie, and Molly.
I met her years ago through another clients, and painted portraits of the twins. I recently finished Molly's portrait.
Lauren and her husband Ben were some of the first people to commission me, and they've been some of my best collectors.
I had a lot of inspiration for doing these portraits, because Lauren has an amazing back yard. It seems like whenever I go over there, the girls are always running around, having a blast.
It's been fun watching her girls grow up through the years. Jane is the girl-y one, Nellie the tomboy, and Molly is just full of life and spirit. I could hardly make her stand still long enough to take a few photos:)
Nellie Keras, Age 3, oil
I've been doing this thing where I've asked each of my collectors what their number one advice would be for a mom-to-be. Lauren was refreshingly honest and open. She said:
"Have fun and don't be so hard on yourself. If you're worried you're not a good mom then you are probably a great one! *Try* not to feel guilty taking time for yourself and go on date nights with your husband. It's important for you to stay sane if you're going to take care of a family!"
Jane Keras, Age 3, oil
Another thing she said that I loved is to remember that your kids are going to be who God meant for them to be no matter what you want them to be; you cannot force them to be someone or something they're not. The sooner you embrace that, the happier you AND your kids will be!
That was really cool to hear, because the reason I paint these portraits is to help kids know they are loved and valued for who they truly are, by God and their parents.