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A Different Kind of Family

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A Different Kind of Family

By Kate Bradley 19 December 2014, 8:45 AM As I talk about my mission to help people celebrate their family relationships through my art, Streets Ministries comes to mind.  Over the past few years my mom and I have mentored a thirteen-year-old girl named Jasmine through Streets.


photo 2


I’ve talked about how the children I paint know that they are valued. They don’t wonder if their parents love them. The kids at Streets are different. They don’t typically get their portraits painted. These kids come from rough neighborhoods. A lot of them, Jasmine included, have little to no relationships with their fathers. Some of them don’t even know who they are.




Streets is a family for these kids. It encourages them, empowers them, and points them towards their one true hope- Jesus Christ. As Streets puts it, they “meet them on their own turf.” If it weren’t for Streets, these kids would probably drop out of high school. Streets lets them know they are loved, valued, and were created with a purpose.

You think when you sign up to volunteer at Streets that you will be the benefactor. Then you meet kids who are more joyful than you in spite of their circumstances, and then you are the one who gets blessed.

On days when I'm feeling sorry for myself, God will use Jasmine to show me my sin. When I pick her up, she’ll come bounding out of her house, skipping, with a huge smile on her face, and it will hit me just how selfish I am. Here is someone who is poor in the world, goes to a rough school in a rough neighborhood, doesn’t talk to her dad, yet is joyful. Always happy. That’s when I  thank the Lord that he uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.




I talk about family a lot in my business, and Streets is a different kind of family. The work they do there is very precious and important. And I’m so happy I can be a part of it.

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A Simpler Time


A Simpler Time

By Kate Bradley 12 December 2014, 9:50 AM  



When I was a little girl, I used to pour over a book of Norman Rockwell paintings my grandparents had. I adored Norman Rockwell. His talent was mind-boggling, but was really drew me to his work were the touching scenes of everyday life he created. From little girls watching their moms getting dressed to go out, to a marine coming home from war, to a little boy doctoring a sick puppy, I loved the warmth and tenderness of each painting. He honors tradition, love, and family in a way that is funny and charming.



In today's culture, there is a cynicism that makes work likes his seem quaint and cheesy. I'm guilty of it like everyone else. A lot of people would say it's unrealistic to show  perfect, Leave-It-to-Beaver families with a mom, dad, and two kids. But I would argue that Norman Rockwell paints life as it should be. It appeals to our higher ideals.




Rockwell’s work portrays an innocence and simplicity that is almost absent from today’s world of business. The people in it aren't frantic, distracted or rushed. They are savoring life. When I look at it, I feel a since of longing for a simpler time.

The people in his paintings are engaged and connected; they depend on each other. Sometimes I have to force myself to put down my cell phone when I’m eating with my family. Why would I want to “connect” with people through a screen when my real, exciting, flesh-and-blood loved ones are sitting in front of me?




In my own work, I am hoping to remind others of what’s important in life. I want to help them feel more connected to their families through my work. I guess you could say I’m carrying the torch for Norman.


Love, Connectedness, and Family

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Love, Connectedness, and Family



By Kate Bradley 7 December 2014, 10:21 AM


Like a lot of kids today, I come from a sometimes-great-sometimes-dysfunctional family. When I was in college when my parents separated. It was extremely painful the day I got that call from my dad. I was driving with a friend and had to pull over. Thankfully they have reconciled since then and are back together. So my story has a happy ending.

I love my parents dearly and I don't blame them; marriage is hard for the best of us. They did the best they could and sacrificed to make sure I grew up in a two-parent household. If it weren't for their support and encouragement, I would not be an artist today. For these reasons and many more, I consider myself extremely blessed.




But, I won’t minimize the effect that experience had on my life. So profound an effect, that the work I do is directly related to it. I can also say that the Lord in his goodness has given me healing and redemption.




We need family like we need air. Children get their sense of self-worth, their values, morals, and sense of belonging from their families. A happy family is a joy to behold. When one breaks down, the damage is devastating and can take a lifetime to repair. Maybe that's why the Bible tells us that true religion is to care for the orphans and the widows. They are the ones who don’t have family.




It wasn't until recently that I realized how much of an impact my story has had on my art. Of all the things I could paint- landscapes, animals, fruit- it’s children I choose. Painted children are valued children. Through my art, I hope to help people develop deeper and more meaningful family relationships. I feel so honored that I get to celebrate the gift of family in my work.


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A Safe Haven


A Safe Haven



By Kate Bradley 26 November 2013, 8:36 AM


Yesterday I dropped off a portrait at the home of my client. You can read more about the inspiration behind this portrait here. She is hosting Thanksgiving at her house this year and the portrait will hang in the dining room for everyone to see as they fellowship together. When she told me this, I thought, Wow! This is so in line with the mission of my business- to help people honor and celebrate their family relationships through my artistic talent. As her family gathers together to celebrate and enjoy each other, here is a physical representation of that gift!

It also occurred to me that in seeking to celebrate family, I am affirming my belief in the importance and sanctity of family. Family is a blessing from God. I heard someone say once, it's a shelter and a haven from a cold world.

You see, family is very precious to me. I myself came from a broken family, and I see clearly the lasting effect it's had on my. Thankfully, God has been able to heal and redeem those wounds in major ways, but I still fight some of those demons. You're not beyond God's help if you come from a broken family, but it can be an uphill battle. There are no shortage of examples of the damage poor family life can cause. Family is our start in life- from it we get our sense of value, our sense of belonging, our perceptions, and our place in the world. And if I have my own family one day, I hope to cherish it above all and create the kind of environment that is a safe haven from the world. And it's my privilege to honor that through my art. What I do is not really about me, it's about honoring God and the families I paint.

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for the gift of family.


Tayloe | Oil study




(Hoping to) Inspire Young Women


(Hoping to) Inspire Young Women


By Kate Bradley 12 November 2013, 8:37AM  

Last Monday I had the great privilege and honor of speaking to the girls of the upper school at St. Mary's. All 500 of them. It looked like this:



I had been working on my message for several weeks and somewhere in that time began to pray about what I should say (novel idea, I know). As I wrote and re-wrote my speech, I thought, God, what is it that you want these young women to know?


My client, Katherine, who invited me to speak, said the girls would love to hear about my background. So I talked a little about my life growing up in Memphis, my years at White Station, my love for art at an early age, and my dream to make it as a full-time artist. Originally my speech was about how to make a great living doing what you love. Then God nudged me to talk about the thing that made the most difference, above all the training, hard work, positive thoughts; It was Him. My hope was that if these girls got any message, it was that God uniquely made them, loves them, and has purposes for their lives.


I didn't rehearse my speech the morning of, I just prayed silently before I went on stage that God would speak through me the words I should say. And it went great. I can't take any credit. Here is my full speech:



Three years ago I was sitting in my living room in front of parents, trying to work up the nerve to tell them I wanted to leave my boring day job in finance to become a full time artist. My dream was to take a painting course in Florence, Italy, and the only way to do that was to quit my current job. Looking back, I have sympathy on them, because I’ve come to realize that this is one of parents’ worst fears. It comes right after “look at my new tattoo” and “meet my boyfriend, Mad Dog, he just got out on bail.”


I loved art since I was a little girl. My favorite artist was Norman Rockwell- I loved how well he drew people, and I loved the sweet family scenes he created. And I got in trouble a lot because I would paint on everything. My parents used to put me in the summer art classes at MCA, and I had great teachers at White Station would really pushed me to pursue art. I feel lucky that I had so many people in my life who encouraged me to pursue my talent. In college I discovered that there were people who made their living painting portraits and I thought, I love to paint people, I could do that. So for several years out of college, I worked a day job and painted when I got home. It was always my dream to eventually quit my job and paint full-time.


Well, my parents were understandably concerned, and I don’t blame. I mean, hello, “starving artist?” The reality is it’s very hard to make a living as an artist. I tried to put on a brave face for them, but the truth was, I was terrified to leave my job. I had visions of myself selling fruit on the interstate.


Pretty soon it was time to make a decision. Was I actually going to go through with this? I could think of a million reasons not to. The economy had just crashed and a lot of people were out of work, and here I was contemplating quitting a good job to be artist. It sounded crazy.


Well, I never found out if I had the nerve to quit my job.  Exactly one week before I was supposed to leave for Florence, I got called into the bosses’ office. “We think you’ve done a great job here, Kate, but were letting you go.” I broke down into tears. I wasn’t talking with God much at the time, but there was no mistaking his hand in this.


I left for Florence the next Friday, and the rest, as they say, is history.


Today I run a profitable business as a full-time portrait painter. I earn great money and I’m more fulfilled than I ever thought possible, all in an economic recession, when everyone said that no one was buying art. There have been some highs and lows, but I finally feel like I’m being me, and that is a great feeling.


I’m here today because I want to encourage you guys today not to give up on your dreams. I want to show you that anything is possible, especially if you start young. I’m going to share with you the three things that have made the biggest impact on my life. I want to encourage you to start doing them today, because if you know this suiff now, there’s no limit to what you can become.


The first thing I’m asking you to do is pretty obvious: decide what you want to be, do, and have in life. Ask yourself: What comes easiest and most naturally to me? What makes me happiest? These are the gifts God has given you to point you in the way you should go. Maybe you can organize like a beast, maybe you give great advice, maybe you make killer spotify playlists that everyone follows. Maybe you make scrapbooks like the world has never seen. Maybe you’re a science fiction geek, maybe you made your own Katniss costume for Halloween (which would be awesome btw) maybe you’re an artist like me. Or you love to plan parties.


The second thing I’ve learned is the secret to a happy, successful life is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or put another way, “you can have everything in life you want by helping others get what they want.” This philosophy has proved so true for me. When people see a portrait I’ve painted of their child, and it brings tears to their eyes, I know I’m contributing something meaningful to the world. When I need help from someone who is more busy and important from me, I try to give them something they want first, and I always get rewarded. Whatever it is you do, make sure it’s something that makes the world a better place.


And finally, the most important thing I’ve learned is that your attitude is the single biggest factor in your success. You don’t have control over what happens to you in life, but you can control how you react to it. I’ve had ups and downs in my business, my parents separated when I was in college, I always feel like I'm dealing with boy issues, and all of these things have caused me to doubt myself and God's plan for my life. I’m sure some of you have experienced this or worse. But I’m reminded Romans 8:28, which says God works out everything for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose.


I work to maintain a positive attitude every day. I start each morning with prayer. That’s the most important thing. Then I read or listen to inspiring people as I go about my day. This can be my favorite pastor or a businessperson I admire, it can be an inspiring speech, or a motivational book. Doing these things has made a tremendous difference in my life.


I’ve learned that you have to be very careful what you put into your mind. That’s why I watch little T.V. Most of what’s on T.V. today is vulgar, violent, and negative. Instead I read. Watching T.V. is spending time, reading is investing it.


And lastly, in order to maintain a positive attitude, I surround myself with people who love and encourage me. These are my friends who support me when no one else does. You see, this is so very important, because you will become like those you hang out with. If you have a friend who complains about everything, pretty soon you will start to see plenty of things to complain about. If your friends are smoking and drinking, you will smoke and drink. If they are working hard in school, you will work hard and school. It’s as simple as that.


So know your gifts and not be afraid to claim them, serve others in what you do, and work hard to maintain a positive, hopeful attitude.


I’ll finish by saying this: It is an honor to come and speak to you beautiful, smart young women. In case you don’t know, you already have a head start in life because you attend this school. You are exceptional. I don’t say that to make you feel proud or arrogant, but to make you aware that you are lucky to be in a place that encourages you to be your best self. Don’t waste it. You can leave here well educated, cultured, and classy. The world needs more young ladies like you. The recent VMA’s are proof of that.


There’s a quote by Howard Thurman that says “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive."


Thank you.